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A mural depicting the San Francisco skyline, found on the exterior wall of a small market.


More Resources

Site Permit Drawings

Click here to view site permit drawings of 2550 Irving.

Site Management Plan

Click here to view the site management plan for 2550 Irving.

2550 Irving Design Narrative

Click here to view the 2550 Irving Design Narrative.

2550 Irving Project Application (PRJ)

Click here for the 2550 Irving Project Application (PRJ), our application for entitlements to SF Planning.

2550 Irving Renderings

Click here to view renderings of 2550 Irving.

“Who Lives in Affordable Housing?”

This informational video highlights the role of our support services team and the impact that affordable housing has on peoples’ lives.

2550 Irving Street Solar/Shadow Model

Click here for a PDF of the 2550 Irving Street Solar/Shadow Model.

2550 Irving Transportation Preview by Transportation Consultant Fehr & Peers

This factsheet illustrates the expected travel patterns of future residents at 2550 Irving.

Click here for a PDF of the 2550 Irving Transportation Preview.

California Department of Toxic Substances Control Approval Letter and Responsiveness Summary

Click here to view the approval letter for the Response Plan from the California Department of Toxic Substances Control and their Responsiveness Summary.

California Department of Toxic Substances Control 

Letter Clarifying Environmental Conditions

Click here for a letter from DTSC clarifying the environmental conditions at 2550 Irving Street.

Information on 2550 Irving’s DTSC’s Process on Envirostor 

Information on TNDC’s response plan to address the presence of perchloroethylene (PCE) and testing done to date at the 2550 Irving site can be accessed at this site. Please also visit our FAQs for more information.

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA): Response to Comments and Final Environmental Assessment

Click here to view the response to comments and final Environmental Assessment for 2550 Irving.

Additional Information

2019 Measure A Affordable Multifamily Rental Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) 

This is the public process which established the development opportunity, through funding made available with San Francisco voters’ approval of Measure A in the 2019 elections. 

TNDC NOFA Proposal 

TNDC’s funding proposal for the 2550 Irving development, which was selected by the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development (MOHCD) in September 2020.

2550 Irving Citywide Affordable Housing Loan Committee Acquisition/Predevelopment Loan Evaluation 

A description of the development proposal and evaluation of the $14,277,516 acquisition/predevelopment loan approved by the Loan Committee in April 2021.

2020 San Francisco Housing Balance Report No. 12 

An analysis of San Francisco’s affordable and market rate housing production covering a ten-year period from 2011 to 2020. This analysis is performed for the City as a whole, and by supervisorial district using the methodology of calculating new affordable housing built, less residential units removed from “protected status”, as a proportion of new units built and permitted. District 4 (the Sunset) is the most out of balance of the 11 districts with a -73.9% cumulative housing balance. When factoring in units that have been permanently removed from rent control protection, the district lost 461 rent protected units compared with the 71 affordable units that were built, rehabilitated, and permitted, for a net loss of 390 affordable homes. District 4 also saw the lowest number of total new housing units (including both affordable and market rate) built and permitted with 528 in the last decade.

San Francisco Planning’s Affordable Housing Bonus Program Potential Soft Sites Analysis 

The Planning department’s analysis of properties which could support increased density to meet the City’s affordable housing development goals under current zoning, including the 2550 Irving site. Note: 2550 Irving will use State Density Bonus, not the local Affordable Housing Bonus Program (AHBP); however the site was identified as an underutilized property based on its use and allowable density under current zoning.

Planning Director Bulletin  No. 5 - Streamlined Approval Process for Affordable and Supportive Housing 

This bulletin describes the ministerial approval process for affordable, mixed-income, and Supportive Housing projects, which eliminates the requirement to undergo CEQA review and requires that Planning approvals are granted within certain statutory timeframes. SB-35, the affordable housing streamlining bill was passed legislatively and signed into law by then Governor Jerry Brown in 2017. This process applies to every California jurisdiction that falls below its Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) goals for all income categories for the current planning cycle, and is used for all affordable housing developments in San Francisco. Similarly, AB 2162 was signed into law by Jerry Brown in 2018 and creates a similar streamlined approvals process for Supportive Housing developments. Streamlining applies to all affordable housing developments in San Francisco.

Planning Director Bulletin No. 6 - Implementing the State Density Bonus Program 

This bulletin describes State density bonus law, which allows additional residential density and zoning code incentives or concessions for affordable housing developments. This law applies to all 100% affordable projects in San Francisco and is a critical tool used to develop affordable housing and allow financial feasibility in an extremely high-cost market.

SF Planning’s Urban Design Guidelines 

The San Francisco Planning Department published this document as a resource for architects and developers to ensure that new developments respond to their context and existing conditions, while recognizing that development styles evolve with time. 

Sunset Forward 

Supervisor Mar, the District 4 Youth and Families Network, and San Francisco Planning are leading a needs assessment which will serve as the foundation for future community planning and local investments in District 4.

MTA Muni Forward - N-Judah Rapid Project 

Updates on SFMTA’s efforts to improve reliability and efficiency for the N-Judah are detailed on their Muni Forward page.

San Francisco Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing’s Five-Year Strategic Framework 

In our combined effort to help San Franciscans exit homelessness, TNDC works in close partnership with the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing (HSH). Through HSH’s Coordinated Entry System (CES), we are able to match those in need of Supportive Housing with the appropriate living arrangements and services for their needs. TNDC has been in the business of providing services to its residents for 35 years, and is highly accountable to HSH’s goals and resident services outcomes. TNDC’s Property Management and Tenant Services teams work closely together with a focus on housing stabilization and retention, and we have a proven record of success.

Policy Link: Equity Profile of the San Francisco Bay Area Region 

The Bay Area’s growing, diverse population is a major economic asset that will continue to help the region compete in the global economy. But to fully tap into this asset, many more opportunities and pathways for communities of color and others at the lowest rungs of the economic ladder who are disconnected from the region’s booming economy need to be created. This means, among others actions, ensuring every neighborhood throughout the region is a community of opportunity that provides the essential ingredients that people need to thrive, including affordable homes located near good schools and transportation options.

The CASA Compact. A 15-Year Emergency Policy Package to Confront the Housing Crisis in the San Francisco Bay Area 

The recommendations in this Compact are the result of an intensive dialogue among the key interests who are collectively responsible for housing the Bay Area. 

Mandarin oranges with stems and leaves in a produce box outside of a market.

2550 Irving St



2550 歐文街 (Irving St)



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Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation  




電話:   415-776-2151

©2021 by 2550 Irving和TNDC

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